For some reason Jack thinks he can call a meeting, i don't even know who he  thinks he is. Then he acts like he can get me thrown out of position, as if? I am such a better leader then he could ever be. The only thing he does for the group is hunt and let the signal fire go out. For some reason I was feeling down in the dumps and a little depressed.  But Piggy fixed that with a great suggestion, to build a new signal fire on the beach. But later that night a bunch of boys sneak off to join Jack.  We don't need them we are so much better with out them. Jack and his band of hooligans come back to our beach and steal some fire, some leader he is can't even start his own fire.Shaking my head. He also tell boys that they are welcome to join him.  Simon goes into the woods to do whatever he does, but he comes back all mesmerized and its just weird.
