At the beginning of the book a plane crashed on a deserted island Ralph and Piggy find a conch shell, Ralph uses it as a trumpet to summon the other kids to the beach. Emerging from the trees is a children's choir with a leader named Jack. All f the choir boys want Jack as the leader while everyone else want Ralph to be leader. However Ralph appoints jack as the hunting leader. Piggy states that no one knows they are missing and Ralph acts like any good leader would. He sends a group into the forest to collect and when they return with enough they use Piggy's glasses to start the fire. A little boy has gone missing and Ralph is shaken but everyone acts like it didn't happen. Jack is carrying a stick sharpened to a point hunting a pick through the woods.  Meanwhile Ralph and Simon are working on building huts for the younger kids, Ralph is getting upset because none of the younger kids are helping they are just playing gin the water. Also Ralph believes that Jack and the other hunting boys are using hunting as an excuse to get out of real work like building huts.
